Saturday, August 31, 2019

Netflix: Dark Tourist

I started watching a series on Netflix called 'Dark Tourist'. It's like a documentary series about a guy that travel around the world visiting places that can be dark, dangerous or macabre. It's pretty interesting, kinda sad, disturbing and gets you thinking. It can open your eyes to how other people live and the different cultures that are really out there. I have so much going through my head about this series (I hope I can remember everything I want to talk about) and I'm not quite done with the series yet. There are 8 episodes and I am in the middle of episode 7 as I type this.

The parts of the world that he goes to are: Latin America, Japan, the US, Japan, the stans, south east Asia and Africa. He gets a taste of what it's like to cross the Mexican border illegally, goes to suicide forest, encounters real vampires, visits a place that is run like North Korea, visits a disturbing museum, witnesses a cleansing of a corpse, goes to a voodoo festival, and prepares for the end of the world. Those are just some of the things he does from each episode.

While watching him re-enact what it's like to cross the Mexican border illegally, it was pretty depressing. One must REALLY have a bad life and hope for a better one to go through all of that. I understand we can't just let everyone in but there has to be a better way for people to be able to cross the border without going through the risk of getting killed. It's just plain sad and can really open your eyes to certain things that you never gave much thought.

As I got deeper into the episodes, I have become more thankful for my life and for living in the US. My life can be pretty difficult and life in the US can be pretty fucked up and scary; but it doesn't come close to what to other people go through in life. We truly have it so much better than other countries that we tend to take it for granted. It's almost hard to believe that other people have this scary or very dark life that is worse than us. It's also sad that there are places like that.

I also got to watch how some countries treat their animals. I have to say, even though I think we tend to treat our animals with cruelty, these other places are kinda worse. To them, it's their way of life, their culture, so they don't think twice about it. To us, it's disgusting and cruel and hunting for sport is kinda tame compared to some of these other places. Those parts were pretty hard to watch and I had to look away and I am a meat eater.

The other thing that has gone through my mind while watching this is how interesting to the point where it's amazing, how much different everyone lives around the world. We are all human, no matter the color, religion or where we live. Yet every country/culture has come up with their own religions, practices, how we all live is VERY different from one another, our beliefs and our way of lives can be so extreme. Instead of trying to learn from each other and about each other, we put up imaginary borders to separate ourselves from others, try to have control and power to show who is bigger, we destroy each other and hate each other just for being different or out of fear. Some want to rule with an iron fist not giving a shit 
if other are being mistreated, they get off on the power. Life is just so crazy and one big chaos if you really think about it.

Another thing I found interesting, even in some of the poor countries, they have cell phones but not big on other technology or decent living quarters, food or clean running water. English is spoken around the world even if it's their main spoken language. Everyone may not know it but it's still a pretty universal language, more than one might think. Different cultures can be so extreme and so bizarre on how they handle death, not saying it's a bad thing though.

I highly recommend this series if you are into this kind of thing. I've been binge watching it but stopped to write what was on my mind before I forgot about it. It's going to be a late night for me lol.

To watch the trailer click here


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