Thursday, October 18, 2018


I just watched the first episode of the remake of 'Charmed'. When I first heard about the remake and saw the preview, I was very skeptical and wish they would leave the classic alone. I'm still not sure about it.

The first episode wasn't bad I thought. It did through me off that one of the sisters was the lost sister that was found instead of all three starting out as sisters already. The names are all different but their powers seem to be the same so far.

In this one, they get their white-lighter right away and he introduces himself as such and helps them out. Like in the previews, their mother was killed while they were a lot older unlike in the original. I guess I'm okay with that.

The special effects are better but that is to be expected since effects are better these days than when it first aired. This time around it's a little more darker.

Like I said at the start, I'm still not sure about this tv show but I am willing to give it a try. All these re-boots are kinda driving me crazy but at the same time I can understand it; they want to introduce great classics to a new generation. I just hope they slow down on the re-makes and come up with more original tv shows.

So I guess those who grew up watching the original should give the new one a try to see where it goes and think of it as an original show instead of comparing it to the original; it could completely ruin it if there is always a comparison. I am going to have to remind myself this as well. 

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