Thursday, August 19, 2021

Tito Jackson 'Love One Another'

 Tito Jackson, brother of Michael Jackson, has a new album out called. It's a rhythm and blues album. I'm not into that type of music BUT there is one song on there that sounds more like a pop type of song and I freakin' love it!

The song is called 'Love one another'. It's been out for awhile. I can't stop playing it on youtube. It has a great beat, Stevie Wonder plays the harmonica and it makes you want to bop your head. The music video is great too. It has a lot of famous people appearing in it and some family members too. 

The song is a positive song about loving one another and basically treating people with respect and kindness. I would really love to see this song get noticed and take off, it deserves it.

Click on the link below for the video and take a listen for yourself.

Video Here

Monday, April 12, 2021

Amazon Prime: Them

 New to Amazon prime is a 10 episode show called 'Them'. It takes place in the 1950's. It's an anthology series that explores terror in America. This first season is about a black family moves from North Carolina to Compton California in a all white neighbor. It explores racism, some history mixed with the paranormal.

I read people's reactions on twitter and it's pretty mixed for different reason. I just finished watching the whole season 1. I thought it was sad, disturbing, had me thinking about things and creepy. Overall, I liked it. It is a VERY hard to watch series due to the violence, sometimes extreme. 

In the first episodes, it does make you question what is really going on but it does become clear which I am not going to give away. It's sad to see such hate going on knowing that it was really like that back in day and that nothing much has changed sadly. This poor family went through so much torture from within themselves and from the white neighborhood. I've only dealt with a very small amount of racism which doesn't come close to what black people (and apparently now Asian people) have gone and are currently going through. I just imagine.

This series has left me with questions about life & history, stuff that isn't taught in schools. I'm curious as to how and when did hate towards black people (or anyone really) really start? It had start from someone and somewhere. Did someone see someone of a different skin color and automatically think they must be bad because they "look" different? Did it then just spread like religion does when someone preaches? How is it after all this time humans haven't looked at this and just said "this is insane, we need to stop this now"? Yes it's has happened slowly over time but there is still so much of it.

This series shows us just a small part what people have to go through every single day just because they are born with their skin a different color. Even though it's fiction, the basis is true. This series does have some things that really did happen.

It may very well had to watch for some people but if you are into creepy paranormal stories and can handle sensitive topics and violence, then you might like it. It's weird that the writers would slip in paranormal stuff into this type of show but it also makes sense and it's a new way to write a horror story. There are bonus clips where the creator and actors talk about the series as well. Below is a link to a trailer.

Trailer Click Here

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Cobra Kai 1-3

 Before I get started, normally I do a blog about up coming movies but since a good part of the movies last were put on hold and this year the movies are a mess as when things are coming out etc, I am not doing one this year.

Now about Cobra Kai. I grew up with the first Karate kid movies. In fact when I watched the very first Karate kid movie, it was in elementary school. They showed it to the whole school. I even remember that after the movie, they sent the kids out for recess and the boys were trying to do the crane move lol.

When I heard they were doing a series, I was freakin' excited. I signed up for the Youtube red just to watch it. I loved it and where they went with it. I was addicted and wanted more. Then came season two and then waited forever for season three. I was even more excited when it was switching to Netflix. 

I re-watched the first two to refresh my memory and tonight I finally finished watching season 3. OMG do I want more. I understand why Netflix series has short seasons and even why it takes forever for new seasons to come out but man it drives me nuts, it's both a good thing and bad thing that you can binge watch a full season.

I will start with the cons. Too many illegal things happen with nobody getting in series trouble for their actions especially in season 3. This can be a through off so you kinda have to push that fact out of your head to really enjoy the rest of the show. There are a lot of times things become predictable and other times there are surprises. There are certain things that happen to people that should have killed them or caused them series injuries but I guess that happens in just about any action tv show/movie.

The pros. The actors do an amazing job especially the second generation (we already new Ralph Macho is a good actor). I love that all the original members have been brought back even for just a little bit and that they even show clips from the movies. I love that they show backstories of some of the characters so we know more about them and where they come from. The girls in the series are strong young women who kick ass, I like mix of both male and female strong characters. I like the how the relationship between Johnny and Daniel is this tug of war back and forth of being rivals and on the verge of something good. The storyline(s) are great too.

The fighting scenes are pretty good. There are some funny parts and some sad parts especially when they talk about Mr Miyagi. It's sad that he couldn't be on the show but they do honor him and talk about him a lot. I also like the struggles between good and bad and how the teens have their struggles within themselves. There are lots of inner battles, learning and growing even from the adults. This series definitely takes me back to the 80's.

I have seen that some people hate it because it's not realistic or it's campy. I happen to like it a lot. I think most people that grew up with the movies in the 80's will like this series and connect with it. I heard that the entire 4th season script has already been written, I'm so freakin excited. I highly recommend watching this series especially if you are a fan of the original movies.


Sunday, May 24, 2020

Amazon Prime: Upload

Amazon prime has a new series called Upload. It's 10 episodes that I happened to watch all in one night. I loved the series and can't wait for season 2 which I know we will have to wait since nothing is being filmed right now.

So basically, you have a choice when you die to either go to heaven or to a digital afterlife. This one guy had to make the choice and pretty quick, he chose the digital afterlife. 

It's about him figuring out the digital afterlife, if he was actually murdered or if his self driving car really did malfunction and crash and how he feels about a human.

It's set in the year 2033 which is only about 13 years from now. In the afterlife, you can still communicate with the living and you have to still pay for certain things in the afterlife. The more money you or whoever looks after all your stuff has, the better of an afterlife you will have. 

There are different companies that run different afterlife programs. There are people that sit behind computers that get assigned to an afterlife person to help them with anything they might need, talking to them through some kind of mic/speaker and/or through a VR. You can even have your farts smell like your favorite smell! You can control the weather/season of your choosing.

Some of the other technology stuff they have are, self driving cars that you can have a conversation with (kinda like KIT in Knight Rider),order the car to do what you want by telling it what to do, drive it yourself by a controller that looks like a PS controller and the bad thing, people can hack into the car to make it do whatever or not listen (which does make it scary for a real life self driving car).

The other interesting things they have are: phones are no longer a physical thing, it's a hologram that appears when you hold your hand in a L shape and a computer watch that can help use it, cops are a human video chat that is on a screen carried by a drone, drones everywhere doing things, a microwave 3D printer that is made by Google/Samsung (it "prints" your food in secs/minutes), grocery stores are completely run by robots, laptop screens are literally just a plate of glass but the keyboards are the same, airplanes are even more cramped with seats and they even have seats above the normal seats where people's feet are dangling above you! (they basically poke fun at what airplanes will come up with next).

Right before having sex, instead of using a condom, a digital disc is placed on each of the person's chest and they both have to give consent to start it, the Oscar Mayer Intel company tries to re-upload the subconscious back into a human so the person can be alive again. There is sooo much more interesting things in this series that I can't possibly get into. It will be interesting to see what if anything does happen.

It's sounds kinda weird but it's a great series and the technology makes it more fascinating. The story lines keep you thinking and wondering what is going to happen next. There is also humor in it. The end is a cliff hanger but I checked and they are coming out with a season 2. It's kinda like a sci-fi mystery, humor series. I think it's worth watching if you have Amazon prime. Question is, would you want to go to regular heaven or would you want to live in a digital afterlife? Would you want your loved ones in a digital afterlife so you could see them and talk to them any time? I would love to be able to see and talk to my mom again even if it was in a digital form.

Trailer Click Here

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Netflix: Messiah

To start off, I am not a religious person. I do believe in God/universe but I don't believe in religion. At first I didn't want to watch this because I thought it would be another religion filled show and I'm not really into that (although I like the Jesus of Nazareth that I grew up watching every Easter and Passion of the Christ). Finally I gave in because it just seemed interesting, I'm glad I gave in.

I really liked it a lot and hope there will be more seasons especially since this one did leave on a some what cliff hanger. It is basically about what if there was a new son of God in today's world. How would the people around the world act and the government. Is he really the son of God or is he a smart, talented, possibly mentally ill person? I think by the end of the first season, us the audience can figure it out but throughout the season, you do question yourself. 

Even though there is some religion stuff in it and talks about God a lot, it doesn't feel like religion is being shoved down our throats and it isn't the main part of the story, trying to figure out who the guy is while the world responds in different ways is the main part.

This show gets you thinking more about life and question yourself like how would you react if there was a new son of God? What would it take for you to believe in him? It is interesting how so many people believed in him so fast and followed him. I can see that happening though. You also have your non-believers which I can also see happening. 

There are some parts that will make you gasp and cry a little. It does have messages like just about anything out there but this series makes some really good points and things I have been saying all along. I can see myself watching this again at some point and even getting the DVD set if it comes out.

With movies like Passion of the Christ, it is set so far back and times where way different then. Yes there were non-believers and some that looked at him as evil or just a threat. Today, we have the internet which makes news spread like wild fire. We are also not so quick to believe (a lot of us anyways) and realize that someone can just have a mental illness. I mean there are people out there who claim they are the son of God but those people also have an illness. I think it would just take so much more than someone saying they are the son of God for us to believe them.

This is a VERY interesting take on a Messiah story. I think even if you are not religious, don't believe in a God etc, you will enjoy this. It's for everyone of different beliefs and backgrounds. Just fair warning, there are some content that are not suitable for your kids like a sex scene and violence. The acting is really good especially the guy who plays the Messiah. I do have one complaint, when there has to be captions when people are speaking in a different language, the captions don't always show up, show up a little late or move away from the screen so fast that you can't even read one word. That is annoying so hopefully that will be fixed in the next season which I think there will be one. Below is a trailer.

Trailer:  Click Here

Friday, December 13, 2019

Up Coming Movies 2020, 2021

At the end of the year, I like to go to the site movie insider and see what movies are coming in the future. I can't post all of them but here are some of them and if they have trailers, I will post a link to them.

Jan. 2020 

Now you see me 3 Trailer Click Here
The Grudge Trailer Click Here
The murder of Nichole Brown Simpson Trailer Click Here
Dolittle Trailer Click Here
Bad boys for life Trailer Click Here
Gretel and Hansel Trailer Click Here

Feb. 2020

Sonic the hedge hog Trailer Click Here
Fantasy island Trailer Click Here

March 2020

The invisible man Trailer Click Here
A quiet place 2 
Mulan Trailer Click Here

April 2020

New Mutants Trailer Click Here
Peter Rabbit 2 Trailer Click Here
Trolls world tour Trailer Click Here
The secret: dare to dream 

May 2020

Black widow Trailer Click Here
Legally Blonde 3
Scoob Trailer Click Here
Saw reboot
Fast and furious 9 Trailer Click Here

June 2020

Wonder Woman 1984 Trailer Click Here
Top gun 2

July 2020

Minions the rise of Gru
Ghostbusters afterlife Trailer Click Here
Purge 5
Bob's burgers
Jungle cruise

Aug. 2020

Escape room 2
Bill and Ted's adventure face the music

Sep. 2020

Monster hunter
Conjuring 3

Oct. 2020

The witches
Halloween kills

Nov. 2020

The Christmas chronicles 2
Clifford the big red dog
Godzilla vs Kong

Dec. 2020

Coming to America 2
West side story
Tom and Jerry
The Croods 2

Here are some for 2021

Mortal Kombat
Tomb raider 2
Boss baby 2
Fast and furious 10
Doctor Strange in the multiverse
Matrix 4
John Wick 4
Jurassic world 3
The Batman
Sing 2
Indiana Jones 5
Spider-man homecoming 2
Space jam 2
Mission impossible 7
Suicide squad
My little pony
Fantastic beast 
Dungeons and dragons
Hotel Transylvania 4
Guardians of the galaxy 3

Movies coming in 2022

Sesame street
Spider-man into the soidyverse 2
Black panther 2
The flash flashpoint
Mission impossible 8
Aquaman 2
Super Mario brothers

There really isn't any more years shown. There is a lot of reboots and continue of series. I am looking forward to a lot of the up coming movies. I also wish they wouldn't wait so long to make Black panther, Aquaman etc but I be very excited to see them when they do come out. That is my list. To see the full list, go to

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Netflix: The Toys/Movies That Made Us

About a year or possibly three, I saw a show on Netflix called "The toys that made us" which is a documentary series where they talk about the most popular toys that were made back in the day, their history etc. If I am correct, they now have 3 seasons. It's really interesting to hear about toys like Barbie, Star Wars, Teenage mutant ninja turtles and more.

Now they have a new series called "The movies that made us". So far I have only seen two episodes but I like it just as much as their first series. They spend each episode talking about a specific popular movie which I think are all from the 80's (I haven't looked at all the episodes yet to see). 

It takes you behind the scenes, the ups and downs of making the movies etc. The first episode is "Dirty Dancing" and the second is "Home Alone". Both had some very interesting facts. 

I can't wait to see more episodes. There are so many movies they could talk about so it will be interesting to see how far they go with this and what movies they talk about. I hope they talk about tv shows next because that would be just as interesting.

If you love movies and toys and find behind the scenes of things interesting, I highly recommend these two series on Netflix. A good binge watch.

The Toys That Made Us trailer (season 2): Click Here

The Movies That Made Us trailer: Click Here