Sunday, February 9, 2020

Netflix: Messiah

To start off, I am not a religious person. I do believe in God/universe but I don't believe in religion. At first I didn't want to watch this because I thought it would be another religion filled show and I'm not really into that (although I like the Jesus of Nazareth that I grew up watching every Easter and Passion of the Christ). Finally I gave in because it just seemed interesting, I'm glad I gave in.

I really liked it a lot and hope there will be more seasons especially since this one did leave on a some what cliff hanger. It is basically about what if there was a new son of God in today's world. How would the people around the world act and the government. Is he really the son of God or is he a smart, talented, possibly mentally ill person? I think by the end of the first season, us the audience can figure it out but throughout the season, you do question yourself. 

Even though there is some religion stuff in it and talks about God a lot, it doesn't feel like religion is being shoved down our throats and it isn't the main part of the story, trying to figure out who the guy is while the world responds in different ways is the main part.

This show gets you thinking more about life and question yourself like how would you react if there was a new son of God? What would it take for you to believe in him? It is interesting how so many people believed in him so fast and followed him. I can see that happening though. You also have your non-believers which I can also see happening. 

There are some parts that will make you gasp and cry a little. It does have messages like just about anything out there but this series makes some really good points and things I have been saying all along. I can see myself watching this again at some point and even getting the DVD set if it comes out.

With movies like Passion of the Christ, it is set so far back and times where way different then. Yes there were non-believers and some that looked at him as evil or just a threat. Today, we have the internet which makes news spread like wild fire. We are also not so quick to believe (a lot of us anyways) and realize that someone can just have a mental illness. I mean there are people out there who claim they are the son of God but those people also have an illness. I think it would just take so much more than someone saying they are the son of God for us to believe them.

This is a VERY interesting take on a Messiah story. I think even if you are not religious, don't believe in a God etc, you will enjoy this. It's for everyone of different beliefs and backgrounds. Just fair warning, there are some content that are not suitable for your kids like a sex scene and violence. The acting is really good especially the guy who plays the Messiah. I do have one complaint, when there has to be captions when people are speaking in a different language, the captions don't always show up, show up a little late or move away from the screen so fast that you can't even read one word. That is annoying so hopefully that will be fixed in the next season which I think there will be one. Below is a trailer.

Trailer:  Click Here